プレ初等部のキッズは、 「Organizing our community(社会寄与)」という探究領域のもと、「People create systems of food production to secure sources of food.」という概念を学んでいます。その一環で、年明け早々、築地市場に出かけてきました。
It was our first outing day of the year! We went to Tsukiji market to look at the markets stalls and see where food that’s been harvested ends up before we consume it.
The warehouse had boxes and boxes of vegetables. They also had a lot of ice on the floor, because all the stalls sold fresh seafood. We saw tuna heads (マグロ) getting cleaned and cut and beautiful, big scallops (ホタテ).
Near the open market, there were stalls and stalls of fresh fruits, vegetables, pickles, beans, etc.
There were over 9 tamagoyaki shops! We went hunting for one as the TCS Preschool train…
Everyone enjoyed fresh tamagoyaki at Tsukiji.
After walking around the market, we found a sunny and green spot to enjoy our lunch.
Of course, we always find time to play! We play anywhere.