「Life Is But a Stage」
by TCS Int’l Preschool
【Life themes】意思表現 Expressing ourselves
【Central idea】We can express our experiences and feelings in different ways and learn to react
to other people’s experiences.
〜Unit Summary(テーマ概要)
This unit focuses on understanding and expressing our emotions in everyday life and through storytelling and plays. We will explore verbal and non-verbal communication (Form 特性・構造), signs that indicate feelings (Function 機能・役割), and stories that evoke various emotions (Perspective 視点・観点).
The unit will investigate how we discover and express ideas, feelings, nature, culture, beliefs, and values. It will examine how we reflect on, expand, and enjoy our creativity and aesthetic appreciation. The goal is for learners to feel empowered and confident to create and share their own stories.
By learning vocabulary to express their emotions, especially those relevant to their daily experiences, learners will become more confident in articulating their feelings. Understanding their own emotions will also help them develop greater empathy for others.